Saturday, June 4, 2016

Mar Thomma Sleeva the continuation of Israeli Menorah

Mar Thomma Sleeva / St. Thomas Cross / Nasrani Menorah is the symbol of history & traditions of Christians of India. Before statues and icons emerged in various churches, Fish & Holy Cross was the universal symbol which proclaimed our identity. 1 Corinth 1:18 makes  it clear that “Holy Cross is the power of God”. When Christianity entered various civilizations it was well equipped to integrate into existing cultures without diluting the foundation principles of Christian faith. While the western Churches in the Roman Empire for their own historical reasons concentrated on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ as their theological base, the Eastern Churches in India and Persia found the resurrection of Jesus Christ as their theological base. This unity in diversity of theological learning was the beauty of early Christianity. “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is vain, your faith also is vain” 1 Corin 15:14) was the base of the foundation of Eastern Churches. As the theology of Christianity grew in various churches independently, the Holy Cross also took various forms incorporating their beliefs, cultures and traditions.

In eastern churches cross symbolizes risen Jesus Christ. Sleeva in Syriac means the Crucified one – Jesus Christ. When we sing “Lord we worship & venerate your Cross”, we are addressing Father the God as Lord & Son the God as Cross. Since Christianity is a ‘saved’ continuation of Judaism, cross can be considered the continuation of Jewish Menorah. Nasrani Menorah / Cross which closely resemble Jewish Menorah in design and theology attest the historicity, ancient Israeli as well as apostolic continuation of Christianity in India. Designs similar to St Thomas Cross can be seen among ancient Christian communities of Srilanka, China, Persia, Armenia etc.
            St. Thomas Cross evolved among the Christians of India in The Way, St Thomas has shown them. It has the presence of Holy Trinity, denotation of their Holy functions. 
1)      Base
It has a single base with three rectangular steps similar to Jewish Menorah. The rectangular step denotes, mount Gagultha where Jesus was raised on the Cross.
2)      Leaves on the base
Above the three steps there are two sets of leaves towards right and Left. It denotes Paradise. In this paradise, the Tree of Life Mar Sleeva / Cross stand. These leaves remind us the presence of God the Father and his mystery of creation, because it was he who created Paradise. The leaves are arranged in the shape of a Lotus flower reminding us the Lotus styled water storage tanks of Jerusalem Temple. Lotus represents Holiness. These leafs also can be compared to three candles standing on the either side of the middle candle stand of Jewish Menorah.
3)      Mar Sleeva  / Holy Cross
As per Eastern Syriac theology, Jesus Christ has passed the phase of death and his death is door to his glorious resurrection. Now he is above the sufferings and death and thus he is the Tree of Life in Paradise. Empty Holy Cross represents once died and now resurrected Jesus Christ. This Cross can be compared to the main lamp stand in the centre of Jewish Menorah which is the most important one.
4)      Flower buds on the end of Mar Sleeva
Since Mar Sleeva is the original Tree of Life, it should give flowers and fruits of life. There are buds of flower on the four tips of the Cross. In Christianity, these flowers and fruits are the Holy Sacraments and holy traditions. The Jewish Menorah is also having flower buds and fruits on its lamp stands.
5)      A dove in descending mode over the Mar Sleeva
The dove in descending mode over the Holy Cross denotes the Third Person of  the Holy Trinity – Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is denoted in various icons throughout history and churches in the form of a Dove. The Jewish Menorah has lamp on its stands. The flame from the lamp of Jewish Menorah and Dove on the St Thomas Cross denotes Holy Spirit.

The importance of St Thomas Cross in the life of ancient Christians can be understood by the testimony of Latin missionary Vinchesso Maria “In the Churches of St. Thomas Christians of India, I only found St Thomas Crosses and not a single other statue.”  The importance of St Thomas Cross was recognized by the western churches after the miraculous flow of blood from the St Thomas Cross of Mylapore - the Holy Site of Martyrdom of St. Thomas on 18th of December of 1557. Pope Saint John Paul II confirmed his devotion to the St Thomas Cross by bowing, kissing the Sleeva and wearing the Holy Cross in his vestments during the Holy Mass at Kottayam, India. The Indian Church like all Apostolic Churches bears the true witness in faith of our Lord Easho Missihah.